Jumat, 02 Januari 2009

Before Selling Property Know Your Buyers

If you know your buyer's general tastes and preferences, it'll be far easier to pinpoint the improvement projects that will make you money.
Always give the buyers what they want, not what you want!
What buyers want and expect differs from region to region, town to town and street to street. There's no escaping it, you need to do some cold hard research.

Find out:
What common improvements people have made in your area?
What these improved properties sell for?
How much these improvements will cost you to make?

If you watch your local property market closely, no-doubt you already have a good idea of this.
Given a chance, an estate agent will wax lyrical about "ceiling prices" and "buyers tastes" for hours (if he thinks he'll bag you as a client in the not to distant future). (theadvisory.co.uk)

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