Jumat, 02 Januari 2009

What's this got to do with Your Private Sale?

It's import for you to understand why property papers still exist and why you should not feel you're missing out by not advertising within them ("Loot" being the only notable exception).

Estate Agents widely acknowledge that the "Top 5 property portals" and "For Sale" boards (it's not uncommon for anything between 30-50% of buyer enquiries to come from boards) are the most effective marketing tools they can use to attract buyers.

Print advertising is:
- Expensive
- Ineffective
- Often out of date
- Almost resented by many estate agents

In fact, Richard Rawlings (one of the leading marketing consultants for the Estate Agency Industry) believes that 90% of the people reading the local property newspapers are not even looking to buy or sell at that time.

1 komentar:

  1. $mile back for you my friend, sorry to late, for me too ok..!!
